
Follow @LandonClost 

My uncle passed away from cancer when I was 16 years old.

I’ve since spent 100’s of hours researching how to avoid and fight cancer naturally.

Here’s what I found:

1) Boost your stem cells

fish and berries

Your body slowly regenerates using stem cells.

Foods that promote stem cell growth:

• Seafood & fatty fish

• Berries (black, blue, raspberry)

• Broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts

More stem cells = lower chance of cancer


Fasting is also a viable option for increasing your stem cells.

You could do a 24 hour fast once a week.

Or go extreme like my business partner @TaylinSimmonds

And fast for 4-7 days at a time.

I’ll stick with 24 hours tops ;)


@mentions@TaylinSimmonds 2) Hack DNA repair for longevity

To amplify DNA repair:

• Sleep 7+ hours

• Exercise regularly

• Try intermittent fasting

Natural DNA repair prevents your cells from mutating.

greek yoghurt

@mentions@TaylinSimmonds Eat foods that amplify DNA repair:

• Greens

• Mangoes

• Greek yogurt

The best cancer cure is prevention.

@mentions@TaylinSimmonds 3) Optimize your gut biome

Akkermancia is a gut bacteria that fights cancer.

• Fish oil

• Grapes

• Black tea

• Pomegranate

All grow it.

A simple way to increase the effects of cancer treatments.

@mentions@TaylinSimmonds 4) A healthy gut boosts cancer immunity

70% of your immune system lives in your gut.

When healthy it:

• Fights cancers

• Improves mood

• Boosts metabolism

• Controls hormones

• Lowers inflammation

Strengthen gut biome to get a boost in immunity.

To give yours a boost…

@mentions@TaylinSimmonds 2 types of foods to boost your gut health:

• Probiotic foods add bacteria

• Prebiotic foods feed bacteria

Yogurt = healthy probiotic.

Bananas = healthy prebiotic.

(Assuming you’re eating yogurt with little added sugar of course)

@mentions@TaylinSimmonds 5) Starve cancer to death

Cancer needs blood supply to grow.

It feeds off of your weak blood vessels.

Cut off blood supply = destroy cancer.

So how do you cut off the blood supply?


@mentions@TaylinSimmonds Foods that cut cancer from your blood supply:

• Stone fruits

• Artichokes

• Lavender

• Red wine

• Turmeric

• Olive oil

• Berries

• Garlic

Cancer can’t grow bigger than the tip of a pen without blood supply.

These foods are your saving grace.

@mentions@TaylinSimmonds 6) Eat foods with bioactives

Bioactives are part of a plant’s defense system.

Benefits of bioactives in your diet include:

• Anti-cancer

• Anti-diabetic

• Anti-microbial

• High antioxidant

• Cardiovascular health

Eat organic fruits and veggies to reap these benefits.

@mentions@TaylinSimmonds 7) Antioxidants = your front line of defense

Ellagic acid is the general of your antioxidant army, it:

Stops the spread of cancer cells

Protects cells from damage

Slows cancer cell growth

Improves brain function

Reduces inflammation

Reap these benefits with the following…

cashew nuts

@mentions@TaylinSimmonds Food sources high in antioxidants:

• Nuts

• Berries

• Pomegranates

• Ellagic acid supplements

Eat more antioxidants to battle cancer and other chronic health issues.

@mentions@TaylinSimmonds What I found from 100’s of hours of cancer research:

1) Boost your stem cells

2) Hack DNA repair

3) Optimize gut biome

4) Boost gut health

5) Starve cancer by cutting off blood supply

6) Eat bioactive foods

7) Eat Antioxidants

@mentions@TaylinSimmonds Thanks for reading till the end!

I must admit that I’m no doctor.


You can’t go wrong taking your health into your own hands.

If you or a loved one are diagnosed with cancer, I recommend seeking professional help.

I hope that day never comes for you.

@mentions@TaylinSimmonds Please RT the 1st tweet to help prevent others from getting cancer.

And follow me @LandonClost for more.

Thank you,


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